Docs Automator - Error in relation to finding PDF template

Getting this error message when clicking the button to initiate a workflow to create a PDF.

The template file is being recognised in Docs Automator as I have mapped the fields to the template and it has been able to create a preview PDF

I sense Glide is having trouble finding the doc file that holds the PDF template, which is in my google drive and called Project Ignition.doc

Here is the configuration

Here is further detail on the error

Are you sure that’s the template ID? Should it be something like a UUID or is it the actual ID?


Thanks for tagging @nathanaelb !

@alan_singer Please correct the “template id” (should be called automation id). This is the ID you find for your automation in your DocsAutomator account.


A huge shout out to @ThinhDinh @nathanaelb and @Rupert for helping me break through the tiny “blid spot” that was stopping me from getting going with DA.
I have now become a subscribed user of DOcs Automator - It is an awesome product and easy to use and integrate with Glide - once you realise what the “template id” was requiring.
I do need some help in handling fields tat have multiple entries in them so will be looking to get some support from @Rupert
Thanks again to the community - you guys are beyond awesome!!


Glad to hear that @alan_singer :slight_smile: Of course happy to help further!