DNS or IP Range to Allow Glide Access Through Firewall

Hi Glide Team and Community,

I’ve developed a few Glide apps that are currently being used on production computers in the company I work for. However, these computers have internet access restricted by a firewall, and for security reasons, we can’t enable full access to the internet.

To address this, we have already whitelisted some DNS addresses related to Glide and some others that we noticed the apps use (i.e., cloudfare, honeycomb, etc.). However, it seems that additional DNS or IP ranges might be required, as the apps still face connection issues.

Could you please provide a comprehensive list of the necessary DNS addresses or IP ranges that we can whitelist to ensure proper functionality of the Glide apps?

Thank you!

I don’t have the complete list, but I had issue with AI component until the glide.info was added to the whitelist.

@NoCodeAndy Can you please help with this? Thank you.

Hola Eduardo,

Try with it


Hi Gustavo,

Thank you! We whitelisted that IP address and it seems to be working fine. We’ll keep monitoring, because it’s been an intermittent problem, but so far it’s fine.

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