Displaying the rating in the item

I would like to display the rating in the item but I can’t figure out how to do it.
Could anyone guide me?

Also, I would like to know if it’s possible to change the decimal rating format in my data to hearts or stars?
Thanks in advance for the help :pray:t3:

One option would be to use a Template column to combine the rating with one of the other columns. Perhaps the description.

Yes, you could use an if-then-else column that returns an appropriate number of emoji hearts/stars based on the rating value.

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Thank you, but I don’t understand how to proceed :see_no_evil:



I’ve managed to replace the numbers with stars. I’ve read the documentation and I think I’ve grasped the basic principle of If → Then → Else. However, in my case, if I want my stars to be visible in the thumbnail cards on the map, unless I’m misunderstanding something, I don’t think that’s the solution.

You could put them next to the name using a template column that combines the name with the output of the if-then-else column.

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Thank you I think I’ll have to find a tuto on if-then-else conditions