Display text in seperate lines (\n)

I have a text field in my table. I can display it in fields or a text component. I want to display it in multiple lines.
Like I have ABC, PQR, XYZ;
I want:

just like replacing (,) with (\n) works in programming

You can use a template column to replace commas with <br>. Then display it with a richtext component.

Replace comma with what ?

<br>. I have edited it, because the code does not appear if it is not formatted.
You also replace commas with enter in the template column.

You could create a split text column by ", " and then create a join column to join it back but instead of joining by ā€œ\nā€, just type enter so it will make a line break.

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This worked. Thank you sir.

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My pleasure!

Even simpler, you could create a replace text column and replace ", " by the enter line break.

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