Force Line Break in Table?

Is there anyway to display a text column in the table component on two lines?

The source for the value is a template column and I need part of the text on one line and the rest on another. Currently it just displays as one long line of text.
I’ve tried <br> and a paragraph break but it doesn’t work.

Any ideas?

Did you try to just smash “enter” ?

It should appear good in the table component on the layout.

Yes that displays fine in the data editor, but once you feed it into a table element it ignores the line break.

Yes, you are right, after a refresh, it shows in one line… Let me think.

Got it!

You could use custom CSS to the span.
Just add:

white-space: break-spaces;

If you need help implementing this, tell me!

We’re on legacy pro so no CSS unfortunately.

Did this solution work when you tested it?

Yes ! Just don’t forget to take the element classes to put in the custom CSS.