Default value for Choice on Details screen

Is it possible to enable a default selection for Choice Components added to Details screens?

I have a details screen that captures choices before passing them as values to a form. I’d like to allow a default option to be set for those choice components, but can’t (there’s no default choice option in the component settings screen).

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I don’t think you can set a default on a details screen. Only Add or Form screens. Most likely because it has to set the value from whatever is in the existing row. You could possibly set up actions to pre-populate the column values in that row when navigating to that screen.

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Hmm that Actions approach might be a good one to look at further. My screen is a tab though… can actions be tied to Tab Navigation? I guess the alternative would be to have a “start” button and use that top start my process and set up the actions.

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Yeah, probably won’t work as well if it’s the top level of the tab. The start button would be a good idea.

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