Hey Glide Dev/Experts,
I had posted this query on the How-To just yesterday. Am asking this as a feature request for the benefit of wider audience who deal with SPI ( Sensitive Personal Information, like DOB, Email, etc )
Considering GDPR/CCPA etc can we have an option where in a PRO app the email (DOB etc) are stored in encrypted way ( like what it is now in the form of Anonymous email ), but retain it like to be stored in the GSheets so that only when its used to send email or anything (may be with Zapier or similar integration) then Glide automatically Decrypts it.
This matters most when, the worst of the worst case when someone breaks into a Google account and gets access to the spreadsheet but still they wont be having access to the email id of the users stored in the DB.
Am pretty sure this is something @david / GlideDev might have thought of but how about enabling the feature for Pro apps to ensure decrypt only for external integration but continue to store it in anonym format.
What do others think about it?