Can anyone who has experience to deal with store data time by time tell me what to do. There is around 80-100 sales a day per location. Is that a good way to combine sales data into Json and store it into text field or even array field so I can save more row and then I will be able to pull it up later on when I do a payroll. Or do you have the better method please share. I’m appreciated!
And also I have 10,000 clients and 20,000 giftcard. Is it better to save it in Big Table or use in external app. Because it it static data and it also cost row. How do I manage that in the best way?
I don’t think you should do that. I would rather pay more to have higher cap and be able to insert more rows, than store paginated JSON object in rows with each row having a JSON of 100 “subrows”. You will see that it would became hard to maintain…
Hi Max,
Right now everything is in 1 app. The concept is the POS role has Admin Role. They can access the entire of everything. Others has email role and location role based on their position.
So in my mind now I will changes Sales and Giftcard and Customers table Big Table in 1 team business plan. I will creat another team with Maker plan to have unlimit user to access the same tables is that possible?
You can’t use the same Glide Table across teams unfortunately. Google sheet would work under 25k rows, but if you update a row on one GS from Glide Data Editor, the other team will consume one update for each sync. So can go up very quickly.