API and Row Owner

Hi community!
I’m working an app for little delivery company.
I would ask about performances(power) of Glide API endpoint and Row Owner function.
I have Order table and Order’s goods table
Order’s goods table have 1000 add row a day.
So, the best way to deal with this is integration to SQL server but,
starting cost (minimal Glide Enterprise contract), just to develop is around 6000$.
I can’t ask customer this price without working prototype and investment from me like a developer is too high.
A imagine temporary solution is:

  • to develop prototype on Glide table as mostly flexible for development purposes and fastest and off course cheapest.
    Every 20 day i will do move data from both tables to Glide Big table or to GS.
    But i remember many users has reported some performances issues after 4000…10000(or after 20000) rows per app. In this case i want to implement Row owner function to reduce the data loaded to user’s devices. And i want dynamically set the value of the Row owned columns and rows by API call
    Why by API? Because i need to change not only Order row also related goods multiple rows.
    May be so many row owned column changes (at list 1000 or more changes) per day, does it will reduce the performance of the app more than in case 20000…25000 rows per app?
    The Role column of the user is fixed and didn’t changing.

Am afraid to use Glide Big Table as a main DB, because users will need to manually reload newest data.

If someone have some ideas or practical cases i would like to study it.
Also, i afraid to store goods in an array or as JSON text field, because is to hart to develop during so many changes and new flows (task routes)

Many thanks, Alexey!

You have a Reload Query action that can help in your flow so users won’t have to manually do it.

Wouldn’t this also consume a huge chunk of your updates?

Hello, ThinhDinh!
Thanks for income!
I imagine we will have much more than 25000 updates per month may be much more. And this is accepted and can be imagined how much, but Reload Query before each entering to details screen gives unknown scale of updates. And i must to force users to doing something, just to be updated (not so good).

turn your data to JSON files, and use Javascript column to operate it.

Hello, Uzo!
Thanks for income!
All my time i trying to do not use JS until it possible.
Do you remember fetch column? It’s gone.
JS also in Experimental tab.
May be i need to follow your suggestion…
I don’t know…
I remember David talked about some customer’s case i which they deal with 800 active users a day for warehouse company. I will deal with 80.

Since when is it gone? I just used it a few hours ago… 800 users? lol… that’s nothing…

I remember API Call cost 1 update, but 500 of table mutations

Don’t use API… use fetch JSON…

Yes, i remember your fantastic case. But there so much things for power programmer like you! But i need much more no-code solution.

I understand… then you have to upgrade your plan to enterprise.

Of course, but I have to start with a business

you need to figure out what is your usage, and choose the right plan… if that will not be good, you can always hire me to fix your App.

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Yea, I every time talking customers about Uzo, who making magic not waiting from Glide! But they told me: “Listen, Uzo maybe great, but his on another side of earth, let’s do it yourself. Take our money and try” :slight_smile: Really :slight_smile:

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Hahahah… I can save you years of trying and tons of money :wink:

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