Database for a quiz app

woah, slow down a little bit. You haven’t even got your basic structure sorted out yet, and you’re already jumping into scoreboards.

I see that you asked a bunch of related questions a few days ago, and @Jeff_Hager gave you some very good advice in response. Please go back and re-read what Jeff had to say. Instead of trying to build the whole app in one go, just focus on one part of it at a time.

Now, you asked me about levels, and I asked a follow up clarifying question:

… which you haven’t answered. So I’ll ask it again. Is each level just a number, or does it have other attributes such as a name, description, etc? If levels are just numbers, I’d just include a level number in your Questions table. Otherwise, you may need a separate table and then include a LevelID column in your questions table.

And again, as Jeff said, lots of us here will be willing to help you - but if you start throwing a dozen different questions out at once, and don’t bother answering questions or following advice that you’re given, then that will most likely turn people off.

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