Data Structure/Set : Are they "string arrays"?

Sets are cool. Spent 3 years in the 80s developing set array tools for an OODMS (just writing that sentence makes me old).

Sooo…what is the main goal of Sets via the Data Structure integration? Looks very similar - function-wise- to the new Trebuchet method @Robert_Petitto. Ideal for working with RowID/Unique IDs.

Is it basically a string array utility? To simplify building JSON or AI inputs?

Something else??

Inquiring minds want to know ™

David created this integration a couple of years ago as a bit of an experiment. Personally, I’ve never found a use for it (and I wrote the Glide Doc for it). I know Bob has used it, so he might share a few use cases. But even David has admitted that he doesn’t think it is particularly useful.

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Correct, I’ve used it as a way to trebuchet. it works really well.

However, there are two flaws:

  1. You can’t add an item to a set if the cell is empty. So in your logic when you’re creating a new set, you have to first create an empty set (if cell is empty) and then populate it.
  2. Unlike a set column, value action, the ad item to set or remove item from set actions can’t pass through a relation. You only have the current table or the user table to work with.

The deal breaker…Terbuchet/multifiles seems like a ‘simpler’ tool kit for a generalized set management in a cell. Thanks for feedback.

I think i have find use case for Data structures integration:
Let we have table with single row
let text column “SET of all Row IDs”
Let lookup of all Row IDs in in some another table
Let column Add element to set with:
String Set: “SET of all Row IDs”
Element: “lookup of all Row IDs in in some another table”
When user adding row do call api to Glide webhook
Glide web hook do:
set column value to “SET of all Row IDs” from “Add element to set”
in sourced table pull “SET of all Row IDs” and do Find elelement index
We will have pseudo atomic but unrepeatable serial number of the row.
Main feature is: “Add element to set” didn’t adding element to set if element is persist in the set.
And we overwriting the string: SET of all Row IDs every time with lookups of all row IDs.
Does it will works?