Data showing problem! Help is needed!

I have a helper table that having all computed columns has been set as in the picture. However, when I try to show it out on the component then the data is showing different. I tried lookup or query but it will return the same result. Is there anything i don’t know or is it a bug?

Are you trying to pull in data from a table under row ownership? Are you trying to show data you do not own as the current user?

thank for replying!
the data i pulled is from Attendance Helper table. there is no row owner on that one. but the Staff table has row owner. the data that I pulled is from their row ownership

Update. Here is the better screenshot

If the data ultimately comes from a table under row ownership, you won’t have access to that data if you are not the owner. It may seem like you do in the data editor, but that is because it doesn’t filter out unowned rows. It can be a little deceiving.

Is this an admin role that should have access to all staff data? If so you may want to add another row owner to the staff table and populate it with an admin email or you can look into utilizing Role functionality if you have multiple admins.

I’ve setup 10 columns of row onwer for 3 different roles. I use admin role to sign in. the ultimate data is actually come from helper table.

I’ve created a working table which to get all the data that come from staff table. I think you said that is deceiving from the row owner is right because when I use different user to log in so I still see the other staff which is not under row owner.

However, the data i am trying to pull is just from their own row so that data i pull is what that the person owned. I just dm you to show you team viewer if you have time that’d be great!

Not really important, but why would you need 10 row owner columns if you only have three roles? At most, I would think you only need 3 or 4 row owner column. Just curious.

I assume these row owner columns are within the Staff table?

Not sure I understand. If a table has row owners applied, and none of those row owner columns is assigned to any user, then nobody should have access to those rows. Maybe I misunderstood.

So you are saying that the data you are showing in the helper table, and the data coming from the staff table, is only for the user that is signed in?

I think it would help to see more screenshots. Specifically, it would be useful to see if and how you have Role functionality set up in the user profile configuration. It would be useful to see what kinds of roles are assigned to your users. Can you clarify if the Staff table is the User table? It would be helpful to see how you have set up any Row Owner columns and the values you have in those row owner columns.

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I’ve been working and realized that the way I setup was wrong. 10 columns of row owner (by email) will be replaced by 3 as you said. I’ve learned more about row owner and use 2 columns role and email on User table. In role column I have ADMIN and PN001 values for emails those are admin and location owner. These value which are refer for ADMIN acess column and Location Id on Staff table (also row owner table)

After figured out, I just deleted all email row owners and replace them with just 1 more column which is ADMIN on all rows. That works. However, I still thinking the way

The problem is caused by the query column that fetch all rows on the Staff table. The purpose is I want to setup a pos that employee can clock in. And also on their app they’re still see their attendance status and so they can do some action without using PIN screen. Is that possible?

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