Data entry mask on phone or email component?

FWIW, I have this workaround that uses a combination of regex (generated with the help of ChatGPT) and Glide text hints to inform the user what a valid format should look like:

  1. [Data Editor] Create a column in the Customers data sheet, e.g. Phone Number Valid, of this type: Other ➝ Experimental ➝ Text ➝ Check Text Matches. Set the column to your regex pattern, e.g ^\+(?:[0-9] ?){6,14}[0-9](?: ?[0-9]){0,10}$

  2. [Layout] Create a text hint component to display the error/warning message, and tie its visibility condition to the value of the column from step 1

Some potential downsides of this workaround:

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