Daily Quiz App

@Jeff_Hager when I click on that first link I just see “Share App” not “Copy App” – am I looking in wrong place?

If so please point me in the right direction.

@Tom_Hart, you would have to ask @sardamit. It’s his app. You are looking in the correct place. Maybe he turned off copying since my last post.

Hey @Jeff_Hager - Yes I turned off the sharing for this app because it had email IDs of users that I didn’t want to share.

@Tom_Hart - Can you PM me? I can share a stripped down version with you.

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Thanks @sardamit, I’m new to the forum so I can’t find PM here. but please share to tom@blueraven.digital

Thank you!

Hi Amit,
could you share the app with me as well.
I would like to create daily quiz for our non-profit organization to keep them engaged during this COVID-19 lockdown.

my id is saivjvkk@gmail.com

Hello Amit,
Working on my third app. Would love the spreadsheet for your full quiz app.
Great work!

Hi @Jeff_Hager, I noticed that you’ve built an app for “education matters”.
This is what I am trying to do with Glide for my kids (cf. our discussion in an other thread), in particular in the current virus context: help to keep-up with school basics.

The principle is not far from the one of @sardamit: my kid must review & recite some basics of school each day (or 2, 3, x day according to the topic).
At this stage, I am already struggling (the very first version is here: https://publicbacprimaire.glideapp.io)

Is your app a PRO app that you use for business or is it shareable?


@AyS_0908 Mine is a pro app currently in use so I don’t have an easy way to share it. I wouldn’t consider it an education app. It’s a coach’s app for figure skating coaches that contains a database of students, contact information, test/competition results and handles lesson tracking, billing, and invoicing for the lessons and other coach’s expenses. The students or parents do not have any access to the app. Only the coaches use it, so it’s quite a bit different from what you are trying to achieve.

Working whit this logic to create a trivia app for my kids. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it!

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Hi, I come back with my pending issue of “recurring challenges” for kids at school (for which I had fruitful exchanges with @Robert_Petitto @ThinhDinh @Jeff_Hager).

The objective: display daily a calendar with the challenge of the day, per kid
(requires several columns to be “user specific”).

The approach: upfront, the user sets it up by:
1/ selecting the challenges he is interested in >> done in DataEditor with a “check” | “user specific” column
2/ defining the recurrence per challenge (ex. each 1, 2, 3 days) >> done in DataEditor with a “nb” | “user specific” column
3/ setting a start-date >> done in DataEditor with a “date” | “user specific” column

4/ calculate if the challenge is to be displayed according to the frequency & starting date >> I ‘found’ a formula for GSheet, but it’s much beyond my newbie skills to build it in DataEditor, which is required since its again a “user specific” date: (=IF(C6>TODAY();0;IF(MOD(TODAY()-C6;B6)=0;1;0)))

Summarized illustration: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sf8QcoBf9iK0sVSkWJbjx3FAECj1-pwlAT7soWYmRq4/edit?usp=sharing

Many thanks in advance if you know how to write this formula in Glide!

Just a wild idea, but maybe assigning 365 numbers to each day of the year. When users choose their starting date it will return a number, let’s say 60. Combine it with the recurrence, let’s say 3 days (or 2 recurrences combined with the start day), via a relation you will get back the right dates for the values 60, 61, 62.

It was my approach for the booking app and it might help your case here, but it will eat up a lot of rows.

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Thanks @ThinhDinh, I have tried it, but the approach is not that clear in my mind.
Furthermore, I have 30 different recurring challenges; would it imply to multiply 365 days x 30 challenges lines?

Do you think that this GSheet function can be done in the DataEditor: =IF(C6>TODAY();0;IF(MOD(TODAY()-C6;B6)=0;1;0)) ??


365 days is a one-time “row cost”, after that you only “pay” when a customer adds a new recurring challenge.

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At the last count, 212 people checked out this app.
So I redesigned this app using new features released by Glide, to keep it updated with the latest improvements.

Link: https://dailyquizapp.glideapp.io/

It now has the following features:

  1. An Admin user can add questions from the app itself.
  2. First 3 Questions (or less) from the latest date will be featured in the day’s set.
  3. A leaderboard that takes into account the scores from the first attempt of a day’s quiz.
  4. User profiles and aliases.
  5. A log of all previous attempts of any quiz.

Hi Amit
Could you please share the app

Can someone please share the spreadsheet for the app.

Hey all,

I finally published this app to the Template store in its full glory.


Hi Amit,
could you share the app with me as well.
Thank you very much!
I work at school and i want create some quis to my students
My email sauleakimova2@gmail.com :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Hi Amit,
could you share this app with me.
I am trying to build this functionality into an app I have already started but I am struggling

my email is tricia.conyers@gmail.com

When I click some earlier links I see an option to share the app but not to copy it so I can’t get into the spreadsheet to understand how it is set up.

Appreciate your help!
'Thank you

hello, the app is not anymore on the store…