Al añadir más de un evento en la misma franja horaria estos se solapan, me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de expandir la franja horaria para poder ver los eventos de una forma más limpia.
He pensado que si no hay una forma nativa podria apalancarme de utilizar la custom Ai component pero nose bien como hacer que todo se clickable, scolleable… y no tengo mucha idea de codigo.
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There’s no way to do that with the native calendar component as far as I know, and I agree it might be too much to try to do that with an AI component.
The native calendar component does need some love.
Your best bet would be packing all your events inside a JSON, add it to an AI component, then add an action combo that does something like:
- Set the event’s rowID to a column in your users table.
- Add a single relation from that column to the events table.
- Show details screen from that relation.