I’m loving the simplicity of Glide thank you!!
That said, I’m having trouble working out how to fit in some customizations I’d typically build in from scratch. I’d really appreciate help in the right direction to infuse some internal branding elements, hence the CSS customization.
Example 1: Some sort of splash screen with a few rotating branded images.
Example 2: Customize the company/app name in top left to be company logo.
Example 3: Adding some interactivity like scrolling to bottom of page.
I’m building a few internal company apps, and have the core of the app functioning well. Open to further guidance/suggestions/tutorials/samples that could help diving deeper with Glide to accomplish each of these examples and more. Thanks so much!!
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Where would this be shown? I think what would work best is a GIF, but you have to create the GIF yourself first. Or, try some HTML for the “rotating branded images” part, but I’m not sure if it’s possible.

In Settings > Name & Icon, I believe choosing “Logo Only” will show you only the logo.
I don’t think this is possible natively until Glide offers anchoring. I imagine it would be something like allowing us to specify “section names” for components, and there would be an action to “jump to section” > specifying the section to jump to.
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Thanks for the response @ThinhDinh!
Though my Settings > Name & Icon doesn’t have any options with logos at all:

Have you added a logo?
You won’t see those additional options unless you’ve added a logo.
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Thanks @Darren_Murphy.
But yes, I do have an image uploaded for the icon and it’s showing fine on my phone’s Home Screen as the app icon.
Just to be clear, the App icon and Logo are two separate images. See below:
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Hmmm, @Darren_Murphy @ThinhDinh that explains it thanks – I don’t have the separate Logo option. Are there different types of apps that would enable the logo option? Or is it maybe because I’m still in my initial Pro tier trial, and you need a different tier/status? Or…
Actually, just checking - it looks like the logo option might only be available with the new Apps, and not with Classic Apps. So that could explain why you don’t see the option.
Though @Darren_Alderman, I’m new to Glide so I don’t think I’d have any Classic Apps. Plus, if I go to create a new project right now, it still doesn’t have that option. Any further ideas please?
Sorry, I don’t.
I looked at several of my own Apps earlier across a handful of teams, and the only Apps I found that didn’t have it were old Classic Apps 
Which team plan are you currently on?
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