🗝️📲 Custom Sign In

You can now customize your sign in screen on Pro Apps. Use your logo. Upload a background. Make it yours.

Please post images of your new sign in screen below! The Glide team would love to see what you do with this feature.


Amazing. Love it!
Here are my pro apps, probably will have to do a gif/video to make it prettier down the road, and ask customers for better images (especially Macondo’s).


Also noticed that GIFs work as the background image. Makes for a cool animated look to the Welcome screen (I’ve got Ralph from the Simpsons waving on one of my apps haha)


Sign-in page of the admin app of my covid-19 apps, for owners of shops and restaurants still opened.


That’s awesome! Wish I was a Pro user.

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@JackVaughan is the app name supposed to disappear when a logo is activated?

I have the same problem. This bug should be fixed by Thursday (tomorrow) as it has been said.


Thanks @Christophe_HK - yes @WyattS we’re looking at that. Thanks.

Its great !!

Would it be possible to have this splash screen also for public app? Today, public apps launch with the components color. Would be great, a kind of splash screen!

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If it’s not already a feature request it should be! https://features.staging.glideapp.io/


Just what I thought, Christophe :slight_smile:

I need it for my pro app

Absolutely right! Et voilà !

Thanks @JackVaughan and team! This is :raised_hands: awesome


Hi Jack,

The customization option looks awesome :star_struck:

Is there a no code service that you recommend to create backgrounds that are as slick looking as the ones in the video?


This is awesome, but very important for app developers to know that making any changes to your sign-in screen forces all users of your app to sign in again next time they open the app on their phone. This can be a very big deal if you already have folks in the app and have everyone coming in through email/pin… the friction (especially during development) of asking everyone who’s using your app that they need to sign in again, assuring new users that they won’t have to sign in every time… that’s a big one. If I had known it would do that, I’d have waited a bit before playing with this feature.


Is there a file size limit on the background image? If so, what’s the limit?


@John_Cabrera We’ll fix that. Sorry.

And do overlays not work over GIFs?