Current Glide incident with login affecting Zapier

I had a bunch of Zapier errors today, I’m guessing related to this.

Anyone else seeing login-related Zapier errors like this?

Anything to do in the meantime?

Has this been solved on your side?

No - every Zap run that has a Glide step since 10:30 yesterday has halted with an error. I tried re-connecting in Zapier and it didn’t help.

I think it was a coincidence that I started having troubles that looked like they were related to the ongoing Glide status incidents around login.

I think the real issue was Zap steps for shared Glide tables. They will keep merrily chugging away, even if the original app specified in Zapier is no longer actively used. The shared tables are still updated and the active Glide app functions as expected. However, once the original app goes away (I must have deleted it :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:), then those steps won’t work.

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