Cropped images and missing inline pdfs

OK, I did 4 tests.

  • Test 1 - B&O with original URL
  • Test 2 - Bose with original URL
  • Test 3 - B&O with URL of file uploaded to glide storage
  • Test 4 - Bose with URL of file uploaded to glide storage

As you can see, Test1 was the only one that did not work and I think I know why. The original B&O URL is not a direct url to the PDF. The B&O server is probably taking that url, searching on their system for the file and returning a PDF in the HTTP response, but the url itself is not the actual PDF. This is apparent when you download the file and it’s obviously a normal file name instead of the GUID code that is part of the url.

On the other hand, the Bose URL is in fact pointing directly to a PDF and because of that the image is rendered.

For Tests 3 and 4 I downloaded each PDF and then uploaded them directly to my Glide storage. As you can see they both worked because the URL is in fact referring directly to the PDF document and not some arbitrary url. If you are going to store the file yourself as you say you are, then I don’t think you should have any problem using the url from your glide storage.

So I guess the question is this…have you actually uploaded the PDF documents yourself and pointed the image component to the url of your uploaded document, or have you only tested with the urls directly from B&O and Bose?

As a side note, just to show what I do with the web embed, here is the url from Test3 being shown in a web embed. Here you can scroll and interact with the PDF directly inside of the app.