Hi Community
How can I create a slide show for a product?
Like where user can see back, front , side of an image?
Hi Community
How can I create a slide show for a product?
Like where user can see back, front , side of an image?
You can make an array column of images and use that here.
Can you please example that
In your google sheets:
You need to have pic 1, pic 2, pic 3, pic 4 etc. these need to be side by side.
Glide automatically will create an array with all those pics.
In the image component, use the array (relation looking symbol).
Then you’ll have what you need.
Let us know if this helps.
Add image 1, Image 2, Image 3 etc.
Remember you need to be extra careful with spelling and spacing. I suggest to type image 1, then copy and paste and change the number.
If there’s a slightly difference on spelling and/or spacing Glide will not turn it into an array.
Oh okay I see what you mean
Did you try swiping through them on your phone? Unfortunately it isn’t very clear that the array is there on the computer/editor.
Yeah also on the phone it’s not working
Your array columns seem to be set up correctly. Check that there is no space at the end of any of the image titles? Hit sync manually? Also, make sure you are not clicked into any of those cells - I noticed sometimes data doesn’t sync if I’m in a cell that I just entered into (mystery)…
No What I am trying to achieve is the customer will see front of the shirt and when they click on it they should be able to scroll and see the sides and back of the shirt for example
Your columns are correctly set up to show an array…so they would be able to swipe and see the other images (sides and back of shirt). And sorry, I understand now that you are uploading these and they should appear in the image component. Not sure why they’re not…
Oh Okay I understand you know how would I set something like that up?
Did you already follow this?
I just did this last week and it’s pretty straightforward. Since your google sheet shows the correct columns, it should work…just review step by step and see if you find anything wrong…
Does your data editor show this array column? It uses the icon like a relation but it’s actually the array…
Is it possible you can show and screenshot of the Data editor?
Ok. Your array is working. Now make sure that in your image component you are using the array.
WORKED Thank you
Awesome! Good job!