Create online payment using webhook

Hello everyone

Im trying to establish away for users to subscribe online. However im stuck with the 1st stage as info passed through webhook returns empty info except for the data I have ruled out. I tried using JSON and mapping data manualy but i keep getting the same result. Below is a screen shot and a link to the payment platform im trynig to link (page on info required)

Kindly assist

Your HTTP module is returning an error. Check what that error is, I suspect it will provide a clue.

The error module has reported the following error;

“The operation failed with an error. Validation failed for 1 parameter(s).”

That sounds like your JSON may be malformed.
Check the input bundle of the webhook module.
Copy the received JSON and paste it into an online validator such as jsonlint

Thank you so much
I just tried it but the validator has returned result is valid

oh wait. I see the problem.

In your HTTP module, you are sending the JSON in the Header.
It should be in the Body.
Also, assuming that PaynowPayhere requires a JSON body, then it needs to be sent as a valid JSON payload, rather that a concatenated list of parameters (which is what you have now).

I’m pretty sure Bob Pettito has a Paynow tutorial somewhere. Check his Youtube channel.

Ok, great

Let me look for the tutorial

Thank you so much

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Thank you @ThinhDinh as well
I’ll also take time to go through the documentation for PayNow as it seems the videos are for a different payment gateway from PayNow

I think Darren also meant PayHere.

Yeah, sorry. Paynow is what we use for moving money around in Singapore :joy:

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Ook…there is a version of PayNow in my country