Create App - Log in to google

I am logged into Glide with my google account.

When I choose “create app” I get a message that says I need to log into Google to get to a sheet, I presume. I get an error that says service not available at this time.A

A window briefly appears - presumably a log in screen. It disappears. When click again, the message appears “Error, service not available.”

Bottom line - can’t get to a sheet to use to start an app. Thoughts?

Something is blocking. Google? Bitdefender?

Can you please post a screenshot of the error?

Can you try a different browser, or with your extensions turned off?

The first screen is the login screen. Then I get this error. I could not post the image of the login screen because I am a new user. I could post it as another reply if necessary.

Maybe on to something…When I launched chrome incognito, it said I had to have third party cookies enabled. I’ve reset that in the original browser. Still not working though.

Nope. Restarted browser also.

Extensions are the problem. Disabled most. Will systematically bring them back. Thanks for the suggestion.

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