Hi Gliders
If i have a lot of clients do i need to create an account on glide platform for each one?
Welcome to the community!
It’s nice to know you have a lot of clients. Are they referrals to Gilde or clients of your app?
Are you selling them the same app template or will you make separate apps for them?
Some times i sell them the same template with little tweaks and most of the time they come with new ideas, i am currently using Bubble.io as a development tool and i know how to set it up with Bubble, but with Glide it is different.
is it good idea to let the application under my account and read the sheet from their account ?
I guess the main question is if the clients will need access to the sheet or the app in the builder. If they don’t, then you could host everything under your Google account and simply duplicate the app and sheet for each client. If they are using the stripe integration, then you might want to look into organizations where they could have an account and they grant you editing access. If you want to host everything but they host the sheet, then there is a new feature in the works to change the data source for the app. This could possibly allow them to host the sheet and share access with you, then you could change the sheet source in the app to their shared sheet.
Thanks Jeff