Copy and Paste Components between Projects - Same Dashboard

Hello guys!

Seeking for your quick help, pls!
Tried to find posts to answer my question, but none of them did…

I want to copy few components from one project to another. Both of them are in the same Glide account.

BTW, these components were built to show a pop-up in the screen, like that:

Can someone give me some guidance on how to do it?
Many thanks!

It’s not possible to copy paste components from one app to another. You can duplicate your app though.

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Thanks Hassan!

Another question please:
Do you know how I can change the data source table from a Rich Text component, inside the “Options” menu?

  • I mean, here:


Do you mean inside the 'Visibility" conditions? Why do you want to do that though?

In the Layout Editor, right click on a component you would like to copy and select ‘Copy’ to copy that component only or ‘Copy all’ to copy all components in the screen.

Navigate back to the Glide dashboard and to another app in the same team. In the Layout Editor, navigate to the desired screen. In the components area bottom left, right click and select ‘Paste’.

As far as I know, copy-pasting components between apps works fine as long as the apps are within the same team.

Thanks Nathan!

I tried again and again, but can´t succeed…
Could you please check the prints below and let me know if I´m doing something wrong…

  • App 1 - Original:

  • Same Team (Apps 1 & 2):

  • App 2 - Target:

Many thanks in advance!

I´m trying to create a pop-up like that:

You need to bring the value from the other table into the table that your screen is attached to. That may be as simple as a Single Value column, or it may require a Relation and Lookup column. It all depends on the where that value is and how it relates to your current screen.

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You seem to be copying components from a discontinued classic app to a (new) Glide app. This is probably where the issue lies.

Copy-pasting components between apps in the same team seems to work when discontinued classic apps are not involved.

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