Convert Google Sheets to Glide Table

Hello Glide Community!

As I haven’t seen it again, I just wanted to post again and see how many people also want this.

It would be great to have automatic conversion of google sheets to a glide table. Glide Tables are great and very powerful. Most of the time they are all I need when creating apps. However they are more time intensive to set up compared to google sheets. It would be great to have a way to set up a glide table via google sheets and then do fine tuning and usage in a glide table.

What do you think?

Revising this post here: Convert existing Sheets-based tab (data, computed columns) to Glide Table

It’s true the canvas isn’t big when you first start one, and there are no keyboard shortcuts to add columns quickly like in Google Sheets, but the more you use Glide Tables the more you get used to it. I now feel comfortable starting directly in GT.


Same, with the introduction of Glide Tables API I’m much more comfortable using GT-only now.


It would be great if we could duplicate table columns (without rows) inside Glide.
I use a big Google Sheet for orders received. I want to move the data of the orders I am processing into a a glide table but to create this new Glide table is not easy as the old table based on the sheet has hundreds of columns.

Your request exists as a feature request :slight_smile:

If you do decide to attempt conversion by hand:

  • You can copy-paste data from GS to Glide Tables.
  • “Find all uses” on each column will be useful.
  • You might want to leave the screens/tabs in production as is and create new ones (in case you mess up).
  • To be extra safe you might even want to duplicate your project and work on the non-published duplicate.