Conversational GPT actions

Can i setup a type thread in glideapps interface tool with its basic native actions wiht chat gpt?

Please read the section “Send Message to ChatGPT (With History)”.

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Is this the same? Did they rename it after they made the instructions?

Also where is this located?

That’s not the same thing we’re talking about. I believe you’re showing the Comments component doc there. It takes a different workflow than that to make it work with the “Send Message to ChatGPT (with History)” action.

Comments Component

“Topic to Save” is now called “Save Comment”, though I would argue the old name feels easier to understand.

“Topic” Is the same thing as above, basically it’s the “Save Comment” field which you should use a rowID to identify the conversation.

My Workflow for this

I worked on a flow for this a while ago. What I did was using a custom form. I allow people to type in their message, use the “Send Message to ChatGPT” action to generate an answer on that same table, in a user-specific column, then write two rows to the Chat log table. One is the user’s message, one is the bot’s answer.


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