I have the same problem in Belgium. I can’t open my app via google chrome or safara. Blank page.
I have the same problem in Belgium. I can’t open my app via google chrome or safara. Blank page.
We have more than 6k active users very disappointed.
Is there an email for support which I can send them or complaints are only through this forum?
Please try this https://glide-help.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new I just wrote. But I see that they don’t have 24/7 support. I don’t receive any answer yet. Bad support for the people of this part of the globe.
Same here, we had product demo scheduled today that we’ll have to cancel
Adding my voice to the topic, I have described my issue here before noticing this thread: There's a problem Could not getOAuth2TokensForGoogleSheets: undefined - #7 by gregcha
I have this problem every week in Italy!!! My clients are very angry !!
Same here!
I’m from Spain and I had a problem two weeks ago with a template from glide store. I contacted them via zendesk support page and they only answered when it was night in Spain (or Europe), and I was sleeping at this time, so the process became very slow.
24/7 support would be great for non EEUU users…
I sent them through this link but is there any other way to contact them
Same here. I have been notified by concerned users
Indeed, I don’t know what about Spain but France is the 5th market. So European support is really necessary.
I have problems to connect Glide also. All my apps are down. Please, fix it as soon as possible!
Builder can be used (after some “scary empty tables” come back again) for demos.
But on mobile, I only see my logo screen (instead of the usual Glide one), and it freezes there.
it’s back again for me
Many of our users residing in Italy have the same problem. They are very angry!
I am so scary right now, i try again and i receive this message
I think it already works
My apps are working am from Spain, but I receive that message when i try to enter to my dashboard. i think they are working to solve it.
Yes Working again now it seems in Paris, France.