Compare time in glide


In the column this is a time completed come from the form in

this form should completed in 3 hours or less …so I want to calculate if the user exceed 3 hours the glide give the user alert
How to do that in Glide?

Glide calculates dates and times in days, so 3 hours would equal 0.125. Your numbers would indicate a time of a minute or two, which probably isn’t the same type of measurement, so you need to figure out what the equivalent of 3 hours is in decimal form and check if your number is less than or greater than that number.

I can’t deal with this time foramt :frowning:

You can just use a math column to convert that to hours, no?

Just to confirm: Is that a duration, or the timestamp completed somehow formatted in that way?

Can you show us how you get that number from Typeform?


I received from typeform like in the pic

But when send it to googlesheet became like the time in the column above @ThinhDinh

(post deleted by author)

Go to the Glide Data Editor, and change the column type to Duration. I suspect that is all you need to do.

Thank yo very much . The format now is solved but still I can’t compare by if conditions or do math on these two columns …here is screenshot

To convert the duration to number of hours, use the following in a math column:


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