Column "Duration" and DateTime Enter method not fitting together

I have a small issue, Houston! When using GlideTable with the ‘Duration’ column type, how do I input my time? I assume the DataTime enter method is needed, but it allows for selecting the full date instead of just the time. It seems something isn’t configured correctly with this component.

Duration column → Only the timer part of the DateTime component is needed, not the full data. No option to set.

I don’t know if this helps:

OK, but what about the special Simple Column named “Duration” how to use from a entry form.

If you enter a value in days, it will convert to a duration.

1 days = 24:00:00
1.5 days = 36:00:00
1.0001 days = 24:00:09

Date math in a math column that subtracts one date from another will always calculate the difference in days or a decimal fraction of days.

So anything to the left of the decimal is whole days and anything to the right of the decimal is fractional days. Populating the column can happen a variety of ways, but it’s only useful if you need it to convert a number into a formatted duration.