Community Update: Building a $1M+ software agency with no code (RSVP)

Hello Gliders!

Join us for a special virtual event with @Oscar_V88 next Wednesday, June 19th.

We’ll talk about how V88 built a 1M+ software development agency with no code.

Topics covered include:

  • Starting a software development agency from scratch
  • Qualifying clients and closing deals
  • Unlocking growth through scalable operations

This session is perfect if you’re thinking about starting an agency, or expanding your existing agency into custom software development.

New Glide features, fixes, and updates :star2:

  • Fixed performance issue with Choice components writing to relations
  • Fixed a bug with missing data tables when using the Glide API
  • Fixed issue with invisible slide-in screens
  • Fixed issue with collection components losing their config when changing styles
  • Fixed Data Grid component to appear when title actions or search is enabled
  • Fixed readability issues with sign-in screens that have background images
  • Added close-able option (x in the top right) to sign in screen popup when clicking sign in button or using a sign in action
  • Choice component options are now sorted by sheet order
  • Title components are now selectable
  • New Table and Data Grid components let you select multiple tags (or items in a choice column)
  • Added an accessory image to new Table component’s text columns

Glide Certified shoutouts :mortar_board:

Congrats to our latest round of certifications…

Level 1
@Kevin_Eaton @Shlomo_Green1

Level 2
@Tech @BrandonC

Level 3
@milnikov @aurora.digidock @NovaVia @Abdelrhman_Elbarsiky @Ifeoluwa

P.S. We’ve got more shoutouts up on LinkedIn, too!

New resources from Glide and friends :handshake:

From the community :raised_hands:

P.S. NoCodeWeek is happening right now in Cologne, Germany!

Have something to add?

That’s it for this week!

Stay in the loop by following Glide on YouTube, LinkedIn, and X.


So much good stuff here :hushed: