Community Challenge: Build a Field App šŸ†

This month weā€™re challenging you to build a field app in Glide.

Field apps let you capture, track, and manage data while on the job site. Theyā€™re used by teams in construction, agriculture, production, sales, service, support, and more.

Use Case :briefcase:

Glideā€™s journey started with mobile apps, and adaptive, mobile-first interfaces continue to be core to Glide. In fact, with the launch of Workflows, field apps built in Glide have never been so powerful.

For example, an HVAC technician may use a Glide app to reference product installation guides; take photos of their work in progress; record voice notes for their team; and send automated reports back to head office.

Need more inspiration? Check out these customer stories:

Weā€™re looking for the following in your submission:

How to Enter :inbox_tray:

  • Build your app in Glide
  • Record a short demo (5 minutes or less) walking through your build,
    or write a short summary and include screenshots
  • Reply to this thread with your entry

Your entry can include more than one screen recording, if necessary.

Need a screen recorder? Try Loom or Tella.

Not on a paid plan? Use coupon code CHALLENGE125 for a free month of Maker:

  • Create a new Glide team
  • On the Billing screen, upgrade to Maker (Monthly)
  • Apply the coupon code during checkout

Remember to cancel your plan if you donā€™t want to keep it active!

Entry Requirements :white_check_mark:

  • Explains the use case
  • Shows the app experience (How does the app work?)
  • Shows how you built the app (Data, Layout, Workflows)

Deadline :hourglass:

  • Entries must be in by Friday, February 28th
  • Winners chosen week of Monday, March 3rd
  • Winners announced on Friday, March 7th

Rewards :trophy:

Three winners will receiveā€¦

  • Challenge Winner community badge
  • Glide merch
  • $180 in credit applied to a paid Glide team of their choice

Plus a chance to be featured on the Glide site, socials, and events.

We canā€™t wait to see what you build!

If you have any questions or comments, drop them below. :pray:



Iā€™m developing a Glide app called ā€œPratiques parentales positivesā€ for parents to document and analyze their childrenā€™s challenging behaviors.

Users fill out forms with incident details, record video/audio, and track timestamps. The app uses AI to process this data, providing real-time guidance to parents on how to respond to situations and generates formatted reports (tables and diagrams) for sharing with a P.P.P. trainer. Iā€™m interested in the ā€œField Appā€ challenge.

While my app isnā€™t for a traditional ā€œfieldā€ like construction or agriculture, it is used ā€œin the momentā€ to capture real-time data about behavior in the home.

Is this type of in-home data collection, combined with AI processing and professional reporting features, considered a valid use case for this challenge?


Here is my submission!


In-home data collection is fine.

Collecting data about children under the age of 13 is not. :slight_smile:

Just ensure youā€™re in line with our user data rules.


No personal children information is collected! Just behaviors and auto filling questions with AI based on the situations explained.

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Hereā€™s the project I submitted for the challenge

Video Demo: Link

Simple Process Flow Chart: Link


Itā€™s one of the coolest designed apps Iā€™ve ever seen, very pretty!

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Thankyou Luiz :raised_hands:

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This is really impressive, Congratulations :raised_hands:

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Terimakasih pak haqy :pray:

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Hi Andy and All, hereā€™s my entry.


I've built Mission-Sv1 for the Glideapps community challenge, this app is intended to help managers or team leaders to create a mission for their subordinates while also helping their subordinates to report their progress or creating feedback for their manager to follow up.

Due to some circumstances, Iā€™m unable to upgrade the free plan even though I really want to add some automation or trigger to make it more powerful, so I take it as another challenge also to build a powerful app while on free plan.

Overview & Use Case

Data, Layout, Action


Data (Gif)
I'm using several Glide table for the apps running,
  1. apps all users which contain all users of the app. I enable ā€˜row ownerā€™ for safety reasons and allow the manager to do an intervention editing, if necessary.

  2. mission activity log data which contains missions that were created by managers for their subordinates or vice versa.

  3. copy table of mission activity log which is a backup table from previous one.

  4. All Categories table which stores all categories that need for the choice form.

  5. App building notes which intended to store building app progress.

  6. Team Talk which stores necessary data for Team Talk Tab.

  7. Manager of the Team Directory stores manager data which is used for feedback form.

  8. Team Directory for company directory tab which basically copy tables from ā€˜App All Usersā€™.

About Data


Layout (Gif)
The app consists of 8 functional tabs, managers can view, edit, or access all tabs while their subordinates only have limited access to 6 tabs.
  1. Welcome tab which is built from the ā€˜App All Userā€™ table. The tab consists of a world clock created using Glide AI Custom Component that shows time from several cities and also Earth background when viewer time is day and changes automatically to moon when user timezone becomes night.

Below the World Clock, managers can see the representation of all app user table data while their subordinates can only see their profile only.

When ā€˜usersā€™ are clicked then the general user will see their assigned mission and below that thereā€™s employee feedback form which is basically a mission assigned to their manager.

  1. Daily mission tab which is built from the Mission Activity Log table. The tab consists of HQ status and also time of the HQ so they can monitor their HQ status and HQ local time while seeing their mission list.

Knowing their HQ time and status should be a huge help for all teams for making necessary adjustments or decisions while finishing their daily missions.

There are also several big numbers for summary of client number, total mission, and payments.

Thereā€™s also kanban for every user mission so users can easily change their mission status after completing the mission.

When a mission is clicked thereā€™s also quick report form elements which enable the user to create a mission report quickly.

Thereā€™s also a hidden choice for the manager to change mission status from in review to success after evaluating the report

  1. The Mission Recap tab shows a gratitude message from the manager to their team and all missions list.

  2. Tap to Done tab which enables users to change their mission status from assigned to done by one tap.

  3. Team Talk tab which intended to help the Manager and all teams to exchange necessary information to support each other.

  4. Team directory that helps all teams to view or directly contact their manager or individual team member.

  5. Manager tab that helps the manager to view, edit, or intervene to several most important tables or data of the app directly without need to open Glide apps dashboard first.

  6. App building log that contains a custom checklist that is created using Glide AI Custom Component and also my notes when building the app.

About Layout


Action (Gif)
I've set several custom actions for several conditions.
  1. Add or Delete Mission Activity Log Report Button to create or delete report with one button.

  2. Add or Delete User Report Button to create or delete report button, similar to previous one but this time is for the App All user row.

  3. After user submit New mission from welcome then open daily mission tab, soon after user submit mission or feedback for their manager then simultaneously write mission activity log backup table while also set manager for row owner purpose and then bring user to daily mission tab.

  4. Autofill manager for new user, this action works for Autifill manager column in app all user table for row owner purpose.

  5. Complete user profile workflow, as I set profile suggestions using Glide AI Custom Component, when user name or photo is empty, by clicking profile suggestions then this workflow will make users enter to the show edit screen to complete their profile.

  6. If the manager is empty on the ā€˜App All Userā€™ row, this action will automatically set the manager email on this item.

  7. Quick done is used for quick done tabs, as users click their mission name on Quick done tab then the mission status, assigned, will change into done.

  8. (experimental) Add or delete all categories button is set to have a similar function like the one button to create or delete report but this time in all categories table.

About Action
About Data, Layout, Action

Short demo:

Short Demo 1
Tap to Done

Thank You, feel free to leave any feedback. ā˜•šŸ˜ƒ

Reminder: Tomorrow is your last day to get your challenge entries in.

Great responses so farā€¦! :pray:

Thank you @mstam2, @aditya_pandu_perdana, and @Haqyw1 for taking on the challenge! Iā€™ll be in touch about your rewards. Keep an eye on your DMs. :+1: