Coluna não aparece em coluna de consulta

uma serie de colunas não estão aparcendo em uma consulta, minha tabela tem 177 colunas as ultimas que criei não aparecem.

alguem pode me ajudar por favor.

Can you share some more information? How did you add the columns? How are you trying to view the query?

Estou tentando usar math colunm, e essas colunas não aparecerem, e elas estão visiveis na tabela, mais quando tento selecionar elas não estão visiveis

I’m still not clear? Trying to select them where? For what? Do you have screenshots of what you are trying to do?


Are you trying to get a value from the query to use in your math column?

If so there are two problems. The first problem is that a query (like a relation) will only return rows. It does not return a specific columns. The second problem is that a query column is like a multiple relation and can potentially link to multiple rows.

If you use a relation, you can make it a single relation and then add Lookup columns to retrieve values from the relation. But since you are using a query, you will need to use a Single Value column to retrieve values from the query.

One you have the Single Value column created, you should be able to use it in your math column.

Mais jeff estou usando isso em outras colunas some nessa deu esse problema, as outras são iguais, muda somente o nome.

I must be misunderstanding something but I don’t know what I’m missing. I see that you have several query columns and a math column, but I don’t understand how you expect them to work together. Query columns do not contain single column values on their own. You need to retrieve a value out of that Query using a Single Value column before you can use it in a math column. That is how it has always worked. I don’t know what you are saying has worked before but I can assure you that you are not using a Query column in a Math column.

Essas colunas estão fazendo uma consulta e retornando um valor, o relacionamento esta em outra coluna.

Again, if you need a value in that Query, you need to add a Single Value column to get that value out of the Query.

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