Need Help: In math column can't we get lookup values if they are numbers?

Hi Guys,

I have a math column where I need to calculate total Amount after applying discounts.

I am getting the discount value based on brand selected from a different table by using a lookup column. But In math column I am not able to get this numerical Lookup value.

Can someone please guide me what can I do to get solution for this?

Thank you in advance for your help


Is the lookup via a relation?
If yes, make sure it is a single relation.

Hi @Darren_Murphy ,

The lookup value is via Query column.

Is there any way I can get this lookup value into Math column?

Or what would be the workaround?

My Problem:

I have brands running multiple campaigns under them. Which is stored in campaigns table Which has % discount value.

When user is checking out in the checkout page, when he enters the amount, it has to check the brand_idfrom campaigns table, check which campaign is active and enter the correct %discount and then calculate the total amount to be paid for this I need the math column.

The checkout happens in seperate table called BillChckout.

I need query column as I need to check which campaign is active and apply the correct %discount. But I believe query column lookup output does not let you put value to math column?

Can you guide me as to what solution can I apply for this?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Use a single value column to take the first value from the query.

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Hi @Darren_Murphy ,

Thank you for suggesting this and helping me out.

It works very well :slight_smile:


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