Choice Menus

Is it possible to make menus change based on choices.

So say I have a choice list:

Choice List 1: Yes; Maybe; No

Can I make List 2:

If yes = List Yes
If maybe = List Maybe
If no = List No


Not at this time. It’s a feature that has been requested but not forthcoming as of yet.

Is there any update on this? Is this feature available now?
Basically, I have a list of topics and subtopics, or let’s say countries and cities. When a user selects a Country from a choice menu, then the city Choice menu should show cities of that country. Is this possible?

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Only way to do this would be to create multiple menus that are visible or not based on condition of the first.


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In view mode you can do this by using a relation to fill choice components. I’m doing this in the Dynamic List Filter in @Robert_Petitto’s method works for Add/Edit/Form mode.

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This seems interesting. A relation would mean in one sheet, I need to have Countries in one column and for each country in the same row, have a city. So, ten rows with India in one column and ten cities of India in another column adjacent to it. So, I relate the Country India in one sheet to all the Countries in another sheet and thus get the names of the cities in one relation column. And this will be the choice component for Cities. Is this how this works?

I’ll need to learn your method. Looks intricate and delicious.

@vijay Yes, that is correct.

@Robert_Petitto yes, my example is a little more involved. It basically creates two relations. One with just Region, and one with a combo of Region and Division. If the region/division relation doesn’t return anything, then a map shows using the region relation. Otherwise a different map shows using the region/division relation

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