Choice component in two levels or more levels? or hierarchies?

I have two levels hierarchy in one same Glide table (column 10, column 11). I use choice component as chip to select the first level but how to get after the second level and present as chip?

Choice. → Table1
Items level1 (column10)
Items Level2 (column11)

It’s posible? If not how to perform a selection in multilevel hierarchy, some tips?


Yes. You’ll want to include the first level of choice for each of the second level choice items, like this;

The just filter the 2nd choice items based on the first level.

Vous voulez dire qu’une fois que vous avez choisi quelque chose au niveau 1, seuls les articles enfants de cette chose au niveau 2 s’affichent?

Yes, Using Choice component get Level1 and after Level2

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