How to add 'sub-options'?

Is there a way I can display a second level of options for the choice component? For example, if the user picks My Grandparent, what’s the best way to do the following within the same step without having to add another page:

  1. Highlight their selection; Grandparent
  2. Hide the other options; Parent, Spouse, Child, Sibling, Other
  3. Show another level of choices (depending on step 1); Grandfather or Grandmother

Looks like it’s already doing it.

I’m not sure why you would want to. What if someone picks the wrong choice and they can no longer change it to something else?

I think you could possibly do something with two choices components. One that only displays when a choice has not been made, and another that only display when a choice is made. Put a filter on the second choice component to only show choice that equal the screen value of the selected choice.

You can control visibilty of other components based on the the value of another choice on the screen.

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