Check me in!

Hello folks

I’ve just done with an app that many of users I’ve come across lately would like to use but I decided to share it with you first to hear back from you all in case you think I can improve it.

It has 3 features:

  1. Check In: where you can assign admins along with their duration separately and how much they get paid per minute.
  2. Cover in: where you can cover someone absent.
  3. Extra in: in case you are free and would like to have extra time

I could make it locked to current time but due to timezone differences among users all over the world it creates somehow confusion.

Let me know if any of you has any question or feedback!
Check the video link below
Thank you


I wonder how to post a video over here? I created a video to show you how it works but I don’t know how I can show it over here!

I think you can only post YouTube, Vimeo or Loom links (and others).


I see. I will upload it to YouTube then. Thank you so much for letting me know :pray:t2: