Check-in recommendations

Hey Glide community!

I am seeking some guidance on a current application that I am building.

Context: I am building an app in which users will need to check-in (ideally this would be via QR code or something along those lines).

The ideal state would be that:

  1. User shows QR code
  2. Admin scans QR code
  3. Admin sees a screen of the user with some useful data (name, ID, status)
  4. User gets a registered visit with a timestamp OR just a +1 in a given column (maybe a column called # of visits)

Ideally I would like to do this without any integration because I can see how many updates this would consume jaja :sweat_smile:

Any recommendations are super helpful - thanks so much!

A version of this would be my recommendation:

Instead of populating a form screen, it would populate a hidden tab perhaps.


Oh wait I think this will do the trick!!! Thanks so much @Robert_Petitto - this is exactly the inspo/guide I needed :slight_smile:

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