Check all boxes

Im new to glide and trying to make an app with an overview of tasks. Now im struggling to find a way to check off everything in a list. Is it possible to check of all items in a checked list at once? I was hoping to do so by just clicking one button instead of manually checking of every single box.

Hope someone can help me with this problem!

Have a great day:)

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Only way to do this is with a choice component → checkbox style. It isn’t a native feature in Glide though, so you’d have to do a “set column” action that takes a comma-separated list of items (usually created with a join list column) and fills the column that the choice component is writing to.

I’ll see if I can create a video on this method later today.


As promised:


Thank you so much! This was very helpful:)

Yes! :raised_hands:t5: Thanks for making this video.
I hope Glide makes something native for this use case.

But until then, this will work! :pray:t5: