Glide charts are limited and data has to be set up in a certain way. If you don’t have any filters, then it’s going to show a set of bars for each country. Because of that, it won’t show a total.
This is what it’s like with no filters. The legend is only serving as a way to tell you what each color represents.
If you only showed column A, then the legend changes and each color represents a country instead of a column.
To get what you want, you need to restructure your data. There is an emphasis on rows when using glide charts.
Glide charts are very particular about how data is fed to them. For that reason, many of us use quickcharts instead. It provides a lot more freedom as far as design, but does require more work to construct the url for the chart. So my only suggestions are to restructure your data like I did above, or use quickcharts. There are several posts on quickcharts if you search the forum.
The latter method is impossible to be, because there is more than one column to rely on
Date - Country - Products (and there are too many products) so it’s very difficult for products to be rowes
You could probably reproduce the filter within the data (would require a handful of columns, such as single value columns, IF columns, etc), and then create rollup columns based on that filtered data. Then you could display it using a Basic Table component.