Change default value of Button to TRUE?

Is it possible to change the Button value using configuration rule (typically DATA view) to “force” the Button to True/False ? Case it that I would like to start with green button position (TRUE) instead of white button position (FALSE).

Your the 2nd person to have asked this question this week. All button default values can be changed. But the change needs to occur either in Google sheet or Glide editor.

Hi Wiz,
yes thanks I know this description, but I think my question was not clear enough, So I will reformulate:

Is it possible to change the Button value using configuration rule (typically DATA view using IF-THEN-ELSE or whatever), not via Glide or Gsheets, means to “force” the Button to True/False ? Case it that I would like to start with green button position (TRUE) as DEFAULT value instead of white button position (FALSE) and be able to change it anytime without interacting with Glide editor or Gsheets.
Example: Switch button is automatically set to TRUE tomorrow (or every day) at noon.

Like @Wiz.Wazeer said, I think you would need to set this with a script in the sheet. Especially if you want it reset every day.

An alternative would be to use a form button which would pass along a Column Value of True from another column in the parent record that contains the form button. The True value would be written to the sheet. Then when the user edits the record, the switch would already be set to true.

The way Glide is designed, you can’t assign an If Then column to a switch. Unfortunately, Glide does not allow for a default value of switches, but maybe that would be a good feature request.

Agree with Jeff a 100%. Played around with Glide’s ISSUE TRACKER for a bit, and data validation on spreadsheet.

True you can change default values but requires work.

The If x then y not your solution. It never really is for such things.

Query 1.

Form submission is probably your best bet if your not a script person. Add the switch button to your form with something like “please switch button to right before submitting the form”. This trick will turn the switch to ON at your end. You can switch it off when your task is completed.

If your app is a complaints received tracker then I would suggest two switch buttons. One for use with form submission, and one for when complaint is resolved. Check out Glide’s Issue tracker. Just add another switch column to see the magic.

Query 2

To set switch button to on/off at different intervals would require you to set up conditional triggers in the sheet itself. But, whether Glide would be able to feed it back into your app Jeff and others would able to tell you. It’s not something I’ve had cause to try to date outside spreadsheet. Sorry.

Hope I’ve been helpful.


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Thanks for your answers, I understood it’s not so easy !

Looking to Jeff proposals:
What do you mean by “parent record” ?
What do you mean by script ? do you have in mind formula in Gsheets ?
Referring to Query 2 off Wiz : Globally speaking, how “open” is Glide ? means is it really possible to go in the Glide code (through API ?) to perform such change ? if yes, in which language(s) ?

Looking to Wiz proposals:
Query 1. Asking user to switch button or Adding a button can’t be a solution beacause this should be transparent to user !

The record that contains the form button.

A Google Script. I don’t do much scripting, so you would have to search for a simple script to handle what you want.

No, there is no API. Glide is designed to be simple to use for most users. There is no accessible API or access to it’s inner workings.

Hi Jeff. I am having trouble following your directions.

When you say:
“An alternative would be to use a form button which would pass along a Column Value of True from another column in the parent record that contains the form button.”

Is the Column Value set to True permanently set to be True on the parent sheet?

“The True value would be written to the sheet.”
What “sheet” are you referring to? Is the “sheet” the destination sheet for the Form data?

“Then when the user edits the record, the switch would already be set to true.”
Where is the user editing this? In the parent sheet or the Form sheet? Does this not affect the value when the next person fills out the Form?

I would appreciate some clarification. Thanks.

On whatever screen you have your form button (parent sheet), that is the sheet where you would add a column with a value of True. You can do this by creating a template column in that sheet in the glide data editor and just make the value “True”, so it will show true on every row. When you create a form button and open the form, you will see several Column Values from the row of the sheet where you have the form button. You can select template column in that list of Column Values and write it to whichever column you want to have set as a default value of “True” in the Form Response sheet. As for editing the the record, I assume you would display your list of form responses somewhere and when a user edits that record, the switch column value will already be set to “True” or On. This wouldn’t mess anything up for other users. You are simply creating a column, that can’t be edited, with a default value that will be passed to a column in the form response sheet. The Form response column can be edited if you later want to turn the switch off.

Thank, @Jeff_Hager.
When you say:
“when a user edits that record, the switch column value will already be set to “True” or On.” or “The Form response column can be edited if you later want to turn the switch off.”

are you implying that the record will be in the form of a switch or checklist that can be changed? If so, how exactly is the information from the Form column being transmitted to this switch/checklist? Is there a Template involved in this?

I am finding that I cannot transfer this column info directly into a switch that is ‘On’ and it is not clear to me what form the record needs to take in order for it to be editable.

I would like it to be in the form of an on/off switch that is by default set to ‘On’ and that can be edited directly from the list of form responses.


Did you create a checklist list that points to the form response sheet with the checkbox pointing to the column that contains the true or false value? Or did you create a switch component that points to the column that contains the true or false value?

I created a column in my parent sheet with a column set to “True”. The Form button resides on this parent sheet. When the user clicks on this form button it launches a form. I pass on the “True” from the parent sheet to the Form sheet column I created where it resides. This is what I think you suggested we do and is where I am stuck. What am I supposed to do after this?

Sounds good so far. How are you displaying the form response sheet?

I don’t know how to answer that. After a Form is submitted, the results are displayed in the app with the information collected from the Form. The data resides in a a form response sheet.

I don’t know how to give you an answer if I don’t know what you want to do with the data. Do you want to see a list where you open each item to view details, or do you want a checklist? The rest is easy since you now have a default value of true. It up to you what you want to do with it. Just assign the correct component or list setting to that column.

Once submitted, I would like to see the form results displayed as a list for the user to review. As part of the review, I would like the user to have the option to ‘Activate’ or ‘De-Activate’ that user via a switch component. I would like the default of this switch component to be "Activate’ (True).

So far, I am able to see the form results in the form of a list that I am happy with - except for the Activate/Deactivate switch.

  1. My question is simply how - exactly - do I pass the ‘True’ in a manner for the switch to be ‘Active’ (True) by default (for every Form submission)? I don’t know how to make it in the form of a switch (thereby enabling users to also Deactivate.

Just add a switch component and point it to the column that contains the true value.

That is the first thing I did. The problem is that if I do, and the user chooses to ‘Deactivate’ the switch, the next time a form is submitted the default won’t be ‘Active’ (True) any more. I want the default to always be on ‘Active’ (True).

No it won’t, because the true value came from the parent sheet and that value can never change. You said that you are passing the true value from the parent sheet into the form and writing it to the form response sheet. If the user is only reviewing and changing the switch on the form responses, then where is the problem?

The user is not changing the switch in the form responses in my current design. I want the user to have the opportunity to change the switch only AFTER the form is submitted - when they are viewing the form submission results. At this point I think they are on the parent sheet.