I copied the measurement ID from Google Analytics and pasted it in the app’s settings.
Same with tag manager but I am not getting any data collected.
Anyone knows what i’m getting wrong?
I copied the measurement ID from Google Analytics and pasted it in the app’s settings.
Same with tag manager but I am not getting any data collected.
Anyone knows what i’m getting wrong?
@Katelyn_Alberts Have you tried this integration for Ververy? Do you have any insights here?
I’m not familiar with the tag manager, but @Andrea_Lasalandra are you just trying to connect your GA to Glide to track activity right now or do you already have that and you’re trying to connect something else?
Hi Katelyn, just trying to connect Google Analytics! Wanted to connect Hotjar too but don’t think it’s possible.
Ok, it should automatically start collecting traffic info if they are connected right, without you having to add any extra tagging apps to track it!
If you go to your accounts at the top what does it look like?
You should have your GA account listed here (circled) with the ability to point at different properties (first underlined is Glide)
If they don’t look connected correctly, go to the Admin icon at the bottom left (circled). And you’ll see 2 columns of settings. 1 for your main GA account and 1 for your properties. Glide is the property. Click setup assistance (underlined)
and then ‘collect website and app data’ circled to make sure they’re connected right
Click your way through to here:
That should show if everything is right. Hope that helps?
Thank you very much Katelyn for your detailed answer!
It know works but I connected 2 glide pages as 2 different data streams of the same property.
Maybe I should have connected 2 separate properties for each Glide Page? Or is it the same?
Also I can’t see what pages are being viewed in the app but just get the main page tracked which makes everything useless. Any ideas on this?
Thank you!!!
I would definitely assume you need 2 different properties for each app. When you look up the tracking ID for each app, they are different right?
Thank you soo much for your help!
At the moment I have 1 property with 2 different tracking IDs (2 different data streams), I will follow your advice and create a different property so I will have 1 property in Analytics for each Glide Page.
Hopefully this will also solve the issue that I can’t see what specific pages are visited inside each Glide Page.
Ps. now that I have 2 Glide Pages within the same Google Analytics property this is what I see:
I get the data for both apps but no details of the specific pages visited
Can you click on the ‘real time’ tab at the top left and then go on your app and start scrolling around to different pages and see if it follows your activity in real time
Like this. All those blue lines are pages i was just clicking on in my app. So you first have to see if it’s tracking them. If it is, and it’s not recording the page names, you might have to look it up by page paths instead
yeah it tracks but it does not track the single pages in the app but just the 2 apps each with agglomerated data:
Yes thank you! Found the pages by looking under page paths! Will just need to figure out how to rename them to better identify them
Thank you for your help!
Thats something i also had to do as well. Mostly all of the paths end in the row IDs. I had to extract the rowID from the paths to figure out who’s profiles they were, and then i was able to collect all the data and Glide and display an analytics dashboard for them to see their activity.
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