I think this would only work within Glide if you have a sheet with Names and another sheet with name and interest listed on separate rows.
Create a relation between the Name sheet and Name/Interest sheet using name.
Using that relation, create a rollup to get a total count of all interests for each name.
In both sheets, create a template column that contains the Name, joined with the user profile name, so the name of each user is joined with the signed in user on each row.
Bahadir - Bahadir
Marie - Bahadir
Justin - Bahadir
In the Name/Interest sheet, create a relation that links the interest to each interest in the same sheet.
Using that relation, create a lookup to get an array list of of the joined names (Marie - Bahadir) that contains the same that interest.
In the Name sheet, create another relation that links the joined names template value to the lookup of joined names in the Name/Interest sheet. This should give you a list of rows of matching interests between both users.
Using that relation, create a rollup to get a total count of all matching interests.
Now divide the total count of matching interests by the count of total interests and that should give you the percentage.