Can I show the same spreadsheet tab as multiple tabs in my app, but sorted, filtered or displayed differently?

Jack - is it possible for the user to edit already submitted form data through the example you show above? For example update the scariness of a wolf from 7 to 8?

Yes. You’d just need to present the sheet that your form is submitting to in some way in your app and allow people to edit with a number component.

In your form if you make sure it populates the sheet with the users email (using a special value column), then you will be able to filter your app per-user.

Or if you want everyone to be able to edit everyone’s data that they submit, you can do that as well.

This is now a new feature in staging. We hope it will be live soon. Please test to help us ship it sooner! :+1:t4:

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This is live now! Please tell us how you find it:


Hi David - how did you embed the YouTube videos at the top of the attractions within the “City Guide Template”?

Hi, isn’t it just a video component linked with that specific attraction?

Pasting the link to a YouTube video in the “Video” component only provides a button that pulls up the link. Unfortunately, it doesn’t embed the video so that the user doesn’t have to go into the YouTube app or pull up another tab.

That’s why I was hoping to find out how it was done on this template in case anyone knows

Can I see your settings that make the “Video” only provides a button? I’m sure I have done this settings for one of my apps and it returned the right way I want it to.

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Sure. As you can see, the video component is just a link. Appreciate any insight you may have!

You’re using a Link component for the Video. Find the exact “Video” component in the list and then link that to the column containing the video.

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AMAZING!! Thank you so much. This makes a MASSIVE help in what I’m trying to do (takes away friction)

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If you have any further questions feel free to message me!