Hi there, I have built a published app for a school. It is a Room Booking System. Users will be able to view multiple rooms and upon clicking each room, view the a weekly calendar view of the room’s bookings.
I am using the calendar component :
- Default Mode = Week
- Deafault Date = Today
It works well until my users found out a mismatch between her calendar view for the same date VS another user’s calendar view.
For example, in the calendar view, on 5th of February, some users will see 4 events happening on that day (see screenshot below)
However, other users will see only 1 event happening on 5th of February.
What is strange is that, the same user account will have different Events showing when accessed in different laptops / browsers :
- I tried accessing User A in Laptop A - via Google Chrome : I can view 5 events
- When we tried to access the sam User A in another Laptop B - Google Chrome : Can only view 1 event.
We suspected that it might be either a device settings issue? or a browser issue? Because some views have Monday as the start date while others have Sunday as start date.
Regardless despite different device/browser date settings, I dont understand how is it possible that the Events not show correctly / synced? even though its being accessed by the same User account. 
Whenever I see this, I immediately suspect that one or more of the Date plugins are to blame. So my first question would be - do your use any of those in your App? And in particular the Format Date column.
Here is a simple test you can do - ask your users to navigate to the 2nd May on the Calendar, and see if there are any events shown that should be on 5th Feb. If there are, then almost certainly a Date plugin is the culprit.
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Hi @Darren_Murphy thanks for the quick reply! I’m not sure whether this is considered as a Date plugin, but I just simply used the Basic > Date & Time column using Glide Table. I selected “Medium” Format & Time Format “without seconds”
And I will surely follow your tip and check in with my users first thing tomorrow - But can i just quickly check with you why “2nd May” in particular?
Edit : Oh I do use the Date Plugin “Date Difference” in another column of the same table, however this is not being used by the Calendar component
They are fine, they are just normal datetime columns.
Because 5th Feb can be an ambiguous date, depending on how it is represented.
For example, if you write it as 5/2/2025, is that 5th Feb or 2nd May?
The answer is it could be either, depending on where in the world you are and how your particular device is setup to format dates. This is where the date plugins can sometimes fail, most often in Safari browsers.
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How do users enter dates into that date column? Do they use a date picker, or do they type in the date manually, or is it maybe imported from some external source?
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Hi all, @Jeff_Hager These were events that were migrated from another booking platform, I exported the CSV template and adjusted to meet the columns in this Glide app.
I am attaching the CSV file I used to populate my Glide bookings table for reference, we are using the DD/MM/YYYY template. I used this format because it was the one that was used by
After troubleshooting , we finally found the root cause of the issue : It’s the Language Settings of the browser.
For browsers with Language set to English (UK), it will show the correct time, but for browsers set to English (US), it will show the correct time.
My question is, that what is the correct way to set DateTime column values to avoid this from happening? We should just use the value of the date in text e.g “7 January 2025 at xxx” ?
The best way to represent dates is to use the ISO8601 International standard: YYYY-MM-DD
. With this, you will never get ambiguous dates.
Based on your experience with importing data, is it better to convert to ODS before importing to deal with these date/time problems?
CSV works fine so long as datetimes are ISO formatted with a timezone offset.
eg. 2024-03-15T08:47:25.013+08:00
Glide also made some changes recently which should improve things, although I’m yet to test these out.
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Currently even for new data where users are saving a “Booking” using the DateTime component, the data is stored in ambiguous DD/MM/YYYY format.
What’s the best way to store data from Glide’s Date Time input component as ISO8601? Does it have to be handled in a workflow?
If you’re using the Date Picker component, Glide will automatically store it correctly.
It might appear differently in the Data Editor, but that’s just a function of your display settings and browser locale/regional settings. If you double-click on a date value in the Data Editor, you will see how it’s stored.
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