Browser caching vs Glide caching

Hi all,

I’m pulling some json files via fetch in a javascript column. It seems that the files cache control is implemented outside of the browser for Chrome, but by the browser in Safari.

So I’m assuming Glide cache the files on its servers?
If so, why does chrome bypass browser caching, but safari does not?

JavaScript column is executed on the client side every time a screen load.

Yes I know. But a file can be cached (when a fetch is used in a javascript column, the function checks if there is a cached version or not, based on the file url).

Nothing ran in a javascript column is cached on Glide servers because it is only handled on the client side. A javascript column will run once when the app is initially opened, but subsequent runs require a parameter value to change before it runs again.

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Ok, thank you Jeff. It remains a mystery why chrome fetches data over network at every load, instead of using the cache (like safari).
Talking about cache, do you happen to know if cloudflare caching provide any speed improvements with Glide?

I’m not sure about that.

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