Block and deblock option for all users

Hello fellow Gliders!

I need your help! :slight_smile:

I’ve got a challenge app. If a user decides to take on a challenge it shall be blocked for everyone else. If he finishes it, the challenge shall be deblocked. I managed to set this up by using a boolean column “is_blocked” and direct an action to it when the user clicks on a button “accept challenge” or “finish challenge”.


I also want to deblock it, when a certain time has elapsed. I’ve got an timestamp for when the user clicks accept and a timer that starts & counts down to 0. When it has come to 0 the deblocking shall happen.


I think I can’t transform the upper mentioned “is_blocked” column to an if-then column because then I can’t use it for the above described user button actions anymore.

If not like this, how else can I do it? :slight_smile: