Best way to set reminders in calendars

What would be the best way to send reminders for calendar events?
Ideally inside the app with some kind of notifications…

Other than that I guess it’s just via e-mail notifications with integromat or something like this?

Exactly…Integromat works well here. You could set up a pseudo notifications area using tab visibility, but its not a true push “notification”…just a forced navigation in Glide.


Do you happen to know if you can send reminders via integromat for example 1 week before the date? Or would you need to calculate the reminder date in the sheet?

Good question. Not sure. I imagine you need to do the calculation and send if “within 1 week” is true for example.

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If you have a sheet with dates, set Integromat to look at it on a regular basis (scheduling is very flexible) then create an “alert” as you wish. You could even include the “alert x hours before” column in your sheet and have Integromat use that.

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I’d rather have the user add the event to their calendar and use their in-app calendar notifications.
I talked about it here: