Automating Task Assignment for specific Users in Glide App


I am nearing the very end of the desired development of my Glide application. Here is the current situation:

A “Classic” user arrives on the application and is assigned an onboarding path. A path is essentially a list that includes a set of tasks to validate. Thus, I have a “Tasks” table, a “Paths” table, and a “Tasks-Paths” association table in my data. Everything works perfectly, mainly because a user is linked to one and only one path.

Now, my problem concerns the “Super Users”, who need to have different paths, related to various people. When a “Classic” user arrives, the “Super User” should automatically have a list of tasks (a path) related to this “Super User”. If Task #1 is checked for “Classic User #1”, it will not be for Task #1 of “Classic User #2”'s path.
This “Super User” will have a page with a list of “Classic” users they are concerned with, and when they click on them, the tasks related to that User will appear.

I am having a hard time understanding how to implement this. What I imagine:

Tasks should be placed in a separate table;
An association table Tasks ↔ Users will be needed, but how can it be automatically filled with Actions?
I know how to create a “large” action that will link one and the same task to a path. But this list of tasks needs to evolve…

I have already tried creating an association table manually, but it quickly becomes unmanageable. I would like to automate this process with Glide actions, but I cannot find the right approach.

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

So a Path would contain many Tasks, is that correct? Why would you need the Tasks-Paths table?

I may have found the solution I seek with this video: :slight_smile:

So ultimately what you need is being able to add multiple rows at once?

Yes. An multiple undefined number of rows at once

Okay, so what you need has been described in the video you linked.

Generally, we have 2 ways to do this: either via Make, or a Call API action.

Both of them use Updates?

What are the benefices of each one of them?

Honestly, understanding the logic of the using of Call API Action is really difficult

Yeah, both of them would use Updates.

Make would cost you Make operations on top of the Updates you consume in Glide, but in my experience it’s more reliable, and easier to setup.

Call API would require to be on a Glide Business/Enterprise plan, and construct templates for the API call inside Glide.