I am nearing the very end of the desired development of my Glide application. Here is the current situation:
A “Classic” user arrives on the application and is assigned an onboarding path. A path is essentially a list that includes a set of tasks to validate. Thus, I have a “Tasks” table, a “Paths” table, and a “Tasks-Paths” association table in my data. Everything works perfectly, mainly because a user is linked to one and only one path.
Now, my problem concerns the “Super Users”, who need to have different paths, related to various people. When a “Classic” user arrives, the “Super User” should automatically have a list of tasks (a path) related to this “Super User”. If Task #1 is checked for “Classic User #1”, it will not be for Task #1 of “Classic User #2”'s path.
This “Super User” will have a page with a list of “Classic” users they are concerned with, and when they click on them, the tasks related to that User will appear.
I am having a hard time understanding how to implement this. What I imagine:
Tasks should be placed in a separate table;
An association table Tasks ↔ Users will be needed, but how can it be automatically filled with Actions?
I know how to create a “large” action that will link one and the same task to a path. But this list of tasks needs to evolve…
I have already tried creating an association table manually, but it quickly becomes unmanageable. I would like to automate this process with Glide actions, but I cannot find the right approach.
Thank you for your help