I own a free to build app website you know. And it supports webapps, and native apps at no cost to the user. But it’s no secret
Save for some platforms still in their infancy, Glide is superior from a frontend perspective. It’s not clear why expanding data capabilities has not been a priority but perhaps that may change.
The API column in staging allows for fetching data from backend servers which will help once in production. Integrations with services like Backendless would make that option more approachable.
Beyond row usage optimization, some tactics to help get the most of what’s available:
- What logic can be condensed? Do we need 20-30 columns for this one functionality? (sadly, sometimes, yes).
- What should the app think about doing first? Are we loading the right information at the start of the experience or “dumping” columns haphazardly?
- Date-time math, distance calcs, rollups – they impact performance. Don’t repeat math unnecessarily because you can, use lookups.
- Avoid adding numerous filters to a component (A and/or B, C, D, E, F…). When possible, combine into a single true/false argument in the editor, then use that as a filter on the component. Same with visibility conditions.
- A given: avoid formulas in sheets if/when possible.
- If using array formulas to “mirror” data, mirror only what’s necessary.
- Delete every single empty row and column in your worksheet.
… tactics shared regularly on the forum and there’s much more. Simple as these considerations are, it’s been my experience they’re just as critical as keeping row usage in check or below a certain threshold.
Sounds like a nightly script to “archive” the days or last x days items to a archive sheet that would be a separate tab for the user. Really interested to see your approach on that
I have never used glide tables. Could you tell me some of the advantages and disadvantages?
I see that the vast majority who use glide do it with google sheets.
Here is the original announcement. Most of which still holds true.
When I was referring to “built all in glide” I meant I used the Glide Data Editor for all the math and lookups.
I.e. instead of doing a sum in GSheet I use the rollup column in the Data Editor.
I.e. instead of using Arrayformula to bring images to a tab in GSheet, I use a single value column in the data editor…and so on.
Building your logic in Glide vs. GSheet (regardless of Glide tables) will benefit your apps performance greatly.
My experience with glide tables is limited. As far as I know there is no lag time when using them and they can be connected to any of your apps.
In the near future we should be able to import more information directly to glide tables… until then I have few use cases for them.
The problem I see with Glide Table is that its data stays “isolated” and “trapped” there and you can’t use it with other external applications: Integromat, Zapier and you lose an amazing tool like Script which, is the plan C in case of a complex solution.
Another tip to make light and fast an APP is to make the right and smart things in GS to avoid loading unnecessary data.
I mean…
If you have 5-7k rows which generate stats and have few movements … why do you have to load it and create the stats in Glide when you can do it easily in GS putting this data into few cells belonging 1-2 rows?
Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought that you will be able to use webhooks for integromat and fire off a zap request as an action with glide tables?
What you can’t do is to write data to GT from Zapier
@gvalero true maybe in the future though